Monday, August 2, 2010

Mark 8: Support for celibate singles alongside monogamous married couples and their children

We got married couples and their children, but we don't really have any "celibate singles" at Hyaets. Why? Because Hyaets is made up of Protestants. And Protestants love to get married and make 2-3 babies. Protestants even let ordained ministers marry and make 2-3 babies. In some cases, man and wife are even co-ordained-minister-PASTORS (with 2-3 PK's of course)! Yeah. We Rome Cats be trippin' all over that shit.

There are three monogamous married couples currently staying at Hyeats:

1) Mista Greg be married to Miss Helms - they stay on Parkway (as do I)
2) Mista Jason be marred to Miss Joanie - they stay on Tuck-a-SEE-gee
3) Faith and Jacob be married - they stay on Rush

There are four CHILDREN specimens attached to the aforementioned married couples:

1) Johnus Tysonus - two years of age, child of Greg/Helms, fav questions include "whats this?" and "what doing?"
2) Zebulonus - birthed by Greg/Helms on June 20th of the current year, spends most of his time napping, crying, eating
3) Joyus Kateus - 18 mo. (?) of age, child of Jason/Joanie, loves cell phones/keys, laughing and "playing" with Johnus Tysonus
4) Norus - birthed by Jason/Joanie on July 26th of the current year, also busy napping, crying, eating (so busy in fact, I've only seen her once!)

The way we support married couples and their children is by recognizing that marriage and children are goods in life that are choice worthy, and that celibacy may not be the only state of life that can bear the greatest spiritual fruits. More broadly, we recognize the dual goods of celibacy and marriage, and the scriptural authority behind this conviction. In her essay of Mark 8, Jana Bennet suggests that rather than focusing on the contentious history behind the celibacy/marriage question, we embrace both states of life and focus instead on supporting and keeping the respective vows of celibacy and marriage. I think this is a great idea, and since I know little about marriage and celibacy, I'm going to leave it at that.

4 days and 4 marks left in the community. Then it will be time for debriefing and the Essay in Two Parts.

Pax et bonum.


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